Uniform Current in Conductors

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The solver of­fers now the pos­si­bil­i­ty to de­fine a uni­form cur­rent in some spe­cif­ic con­duc­tors. The dif­fu­sion equa­tion is not solved in these con­duc­tors, thus the BEM is not need­ed on their sur­faces. This can save com­pu­ta­tion­al time and mem­o­ry. These con­duc­tors can still be cou­pled with oth­er con­duct­ing parts where the full Ed­dy cur­rent equa­tions are solved (dif­fu­sion of the cur­rent through thick­ness, Lorentz forces, Joules heat­ing etc.). For ex­am­ple, the geom­e­try of coils can be great­ly sim­pli­fied by mod­el­ing it as a sim­ple tore rather than with mul­ti­ple turns. The ap­prox­i­ma­tion in­duced by such mod­el­ing is all the more true when the coil’s cur­rent os­cil­lates at a low fre­quen­cy (50 Hz) mak­ing the dif­fu­sion of the EM fields a very fast process. A Biot Savart law is used to com­pute the mag­net­ic field gen­er­at­ed by the cur­rent of these parts.