Industrial/Academic Test Cases

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Along with the pro­gres­sive de­vel­op­ment of the Elec­tro­mag­net­ism solver, sev­er­al test cas­es were built in or­der to check the phys­i­cal be­hav­ior and co­her­ence of some of the out­put pa­ra­me­ters. As the solver ma­tures, the next step now would to re­group these cas­es in this sec­tion for doc­u­men­ta­tion and track­ing pur­pos­es. These test cas­es can ei­ther be con­sid­ered as aca­d­e­m­ic when their aim is to cap­ture an an­a­lyt­i­cal re­sult or in­dus­tri­al when the test case il­lus­trates an ap­pli­ca­tion of the solver that can be used to solve com­plex in­dus­tri­al is­sues. This list is of course on­ly a small sam­ple of the tests and ap­pli­ca­tions that have al­ready been suc­cess­ful­ly con­duct­ed us­ing the Elec­tro­mag­net­ism solver and more test cas­es will be added as the solver keeps be­ing de­vel­oped and im­proved.

One of the con­se­quences of mod­el­ing Ed­dy cur­rent is the dif­fu­sion of the mag­net­ic field through the con­duc­tors. This test case ver­i­fies this phe­nom­e­non through a non-mov­ing lin­ear cir­cuit where the cur­rent is im­posed and con­stant (Read more).
The Coax­i­al ca­ble, or coax, is an elec­tri­cal ca­ble with an in­ner con­duc­tor sur­round­ed by a flex­i­ble, tubu­lar in­su­lat­ing lay­er (Di­elec­tric), sur­round­ed by a out­er con­duc­tor. In this test case, the in­duc­tance caused by the mag­net­ic field gen­er­at­ed in the di­elec­tric by the elec­tric cur­rents will be stud­ied (Read more).
A ma­jor in­dus­tri­al ap­pli­ca­tion of the present solver is mag­net­ic pulse weld­ing (MPW). Ex­per­i­men­tal mea­sure­ments were con­duct­ed at the Ohio State Uni­ver­si­ty on a test case in or­der to com­pare and val­i­date the solver’s ca­pac­i­ty to trans­mit in­duced cur­rents (Read more).
Rail­guns are of in­tense in­ter­est to the Navy, of­fer­ing the po­ten­tial for re­duced lo­gis­tic bur­den, less li­a­bil­i­ty and bet­ter ac­cu­ra­cy. The ob­jec­tive of this test case is to val­i­date LS-DY­NA’s abil­i­ties at sim­u­lat­ing elec­tro­mag­net­ic con­tact and to de­ter­mine whether pre­vi­ous­ly es­tab­lished an­a­lyt­i­cal mod­els can be im­proved (Read more).