Fluid Structure Interaction

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One of the solver’s pri­ma­ry ob­jec­tives is not on­ly to solve the Navier Stokes equa­tions but to solve ful­ly cou­pled FSI prob­lem where the struc­tur­al part could be any La­grangian mod­el of LS-DY­NA. The set­ting up of the me­chan­i­cal prob­lem is there­fore done the same way as for a clas­sic LS-DY­NA analy­sis. All FSI bound­aries are La­grangian and de­form with the struc­ture al­low­ing ex­act im­po­si­tion of bound­ary con­di­tions. Both the struc­tur­al ex­plic­it and im­plic­it solvers can be ac­ti­vat­ed re­sult­ing in weak or strong FSI analy­sis. Three cou­pling di­rec­tions are avail­able for FSI analy­sis :

  • Two-way cou­pling. Loads and dis­place­ments are trans­ferred across the FSI in­ter­face and the full non-lin­ear prob­lem is solved.
  • One-way cou­pling. The sol­id solver trans­fers dis­place­ments to the flu­id solver.
  • One-way cou­pling. The flu­id solver trans­fers stress­es to the sol­id solver.